Full Quiet - A New Adventure Game for the NES & PC
Created by Retrotainment Games
Full Quiet is our latest game for the NES and PC. Something has taken your son, you must venture deep into the forest to find him.
This game will be an entirely new experience, different from anything that we've attempted up to now and different from anything in the NES catalog. We're going to do our best to bring you something that will challenge you in new ways and bring you into a mysterious, enigmatic world of forgotten lore. Deep within the forest you'll encounter strange, cryptic creatures and beasts.. some who will help you, some who wish to destroy everything that you hold dear. The adventure begins one morning when you find that something has taken your son; you must find him, eradicate those who have taken him from you and restore order to the forest.
Along the way you'll have to upgrade your equipment, learn the mysteries of the forest and its unknown inhabitants, solve puzzles, hunt down enemy creatures, befriend helpful creatures and craft new objects to accomplish your mission.. to find your son and silence the forest.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Sample Shells Due Next Week
about 7 years ago
– Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:05:23 PM
We have multiple sample shell colors slated for delivery next week, including the silver ones. Once they arrive we'll post another update to show you how they look with our idea for the LE label. Hopefully by that time Kickstarter will have finished collecting payments and we can send out the surveys to all backers.
Speaking of surveys, we're considering using Backerkit this time around. We're a little apprehensive about doing so because we don't want our backers to feel slighted in any way. If we do use Backerkit it will allow people who missed the campaign to support the project as well as allow us to create merch that you current backers can easily add on to your orders at any time. While this is cool and helps us continue to reach new people it does feel a little strange since the campaign ended already. We'd really love to hear from you all as to whether or not you feel this is fair of us to continue to offer the game and merch through Backerkit. Please keep these points in mind:
1. Orders placed through Backerkit will not be Kickstarter editions. Like we did with our previous campaign we will be printing separate labels, pins, stickers and shirts for Kickstarter backers only that state that they are for backers or are first pressings (see image below). These will not be available to anyone besides backers so the Backerkit would effectively be pre-orders for the standard versions of these items.
2. You will get your stuff first! We'll make sure we ship all Kickstarter backers their items before we ship the Backerkit orders.
3. Backerkit will not have any Ham Radio Buddies, test carts or other exclusive offers from the Kickstarter campaign.
We'd love to hear your feedback on this, please speak up if you think this isn't cool of us!
I would also like to point out this Kickstarter campaign by two-time backer #1 on our campaigns: www.tinyurl.com/snesbook Jeff always supports homebrews and everything else NES related so please show him some love and check out his campaign.
Humbled / Excited / Grateful
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 11:05:28 PM
Hot Damn!
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 08:38:18 AM
We hit the LE goal.. shiny things will be coming our way!
You will be able to upgrade to the LE after the campaign ends. We'll include the option in the survey that we'll send out to make it nice and easy.
Thanks to everyone who pushed, shared and spread the word about Full Quiet!!!
Final Days
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 07:58:35 AM
This is the last weekend of the campaign and as we near the end we're quickly closing in on the Famicom Cartridge stretch goal. Of course we'd LOVE to get to the Limited Edition goal but for that we'd need to see a pretty sizable boost in these last few days. If you can think of anyone who might be interested in what we're doing please share this with them.
Below is some artwork for the cliffs section of the game. This area is meant to have two key elements - verticality and an inside/outside dynamic. The gif shows the character walking into the background and entering the cliff's caves; we hope to expand upon this effect throughout the dev process. Part of the player's challenge will be navigating this network of inside and outside paths while platforming your way up and down the cliffs. We're also playing with effects like walking in water and behind waterfalls to enhance the depth and feel of the game.
PAX West done and dusted! Campaign Week 1 in the bag! Test Carts???
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 02:52:34 PM
PAX - One of our favorite things about making these games is seeing our supporters at conventions and PAX West 2017 was no different. Special thanks to everyone who stopped by to see us at our booth. We had a blast showcasing a demo version of '86 and the new Haunted: Onslaught mode (a continuous barrage of enemies that will make you wet your pants). We absolutely can't wait to start showcasing Full Quiet at conventions, it's going to be very cool to get people's reaction to this game in a live environment!
Also, we finished shipping everything to everyone who ordered both the Famicom and NES versions of the games over the weekend. Thanks for being patient while we were away!
Week 1 - So far this campaign has been wonderful! Admittedly, we were unsure about how people would respond to this but we couldn't be happier with the response thus far. We even got a few other cool things like articles in Japan and France.
This week we'll be getting right back to work on the game so we can start sharing more of the art and game play. Before we do I have a special request.
Test Carts??? - So seeing as this game will be about exploring, figuring things out, interacting with other sentient beings and navigating through a strange, open world we would like to reach out to the community for some help/advise/feedback. It seems the best way to include some of our backers in this would be to make a limited number of test carts available that showcase portions of the game. We could add this as a limited backer tier or add-on so if there's interest out there in something like this please let me know in the comments and we'll figure out a way to make it work.